Sunday, January 8, 2012

It's 2012.


Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for still giving me time to breathe.

So yeah, a year has passed and a new fresh start is what we are hoping for. Firstly, I'm sorry for leaving this blog all dusty without an update all throughout the year. Well it was absolutely an awesome year of course. So I let myself caught up with family, especially school and beloved friends. It was our senior year whoot! Seriously, I just couldn't ask for more <3

Secondly, I'm sorry I couldn't post entries on what had happen throughout the year too. Maybe I can (because I'm done with January and February, saved them as draft already) but it would take me some time and maybe most of the occassions I might forget too haha. Hey it's about the whole year anyway right? :p

Thirdly, I'm very thankful and grateful that life in 2011, it has tought me a lot. Alhamdulillah. I learned how small things does matter. I learned that there's no such other love except from Allah is what we seek for. I learned that the love from our parents is irreplaceable and you can't judge at how much they would sacrifice just for you. That's the truth. I learned how to appreciate. You'll never know that you could actually touch someone's heart and become a part of their lives, so be grateful and appreaciate others. And the best part of what I learned was; Allah knows the best for each and every one of us, all that matters is patience and faith.

Forth, all throughout the 2011 I really had fun spending my time with family, friends and teachers. Especially when it comes to SPM! Yes, a lot of memories to be treasured there. InsyaAllah, we have tried our best and all what's left is to pray and tawakal. All the hardship will be paid-off, insyaAllah. I wouldn't want to be specific on how our SPM examination went on, don't want some worried faces around here, right? Hihi, nevertheless it was a heck of a lifetime. Alhamdulillah.

Fifth, we are now in the new year and as for my batch, we're ex-highschoolers already! Haha hope that we can use and manage our time punctually during this 'holiday'. Haha sorry I don't know what to label that, more like 'pengangguran' actually lol. But as for me, I'll be going for an early starting. Hehe I'll share that topic later ;)

So there, this is only a little update to my blog since I left it all alone for a year haha. It feels good to write sometimes, I'm not an active blogger you see. And I'm updating this through my handphone, I'm too lazy to use the laptop muahaha! Just to let you know I'm still using this hihi. Anyway, I'm missing my friends badly but we'll still see each other again. When? When the results are out of course! *creepy background music; jeng jeng!* So take care guys, I'll be away at this moment. Till next time, assalamualaikum <3

P/S: Here's a shout out; thank you for the support and especially, for trusting me. I love you, xoxo.

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